Safety in Mining Part 1- Susan we have a problem

Safety in Mining Part 1- Susan we have a problem

“Susan, we have a problem at our Lost Wolf Mine Site*.  Despite the fact that we implemented an intensive safety program last year, we continue to see a rise in critical safety incidents and fatalities.  Can you help us?” This request was not one that we commonly...
Effective Leadership During Times of Uncertainty

Effective Leadership During Times of Uncertainty

Over the past few weeks, change has occurred rapidly and drastically. As a leader, engagement with your teams might be one of the few things our employees can depend on to guide them through their days. Now more than ever, we must remember the fundamentals of...
Shedding the Corporate Armour—Part One

Shedding the Corporate Armour—Part One

It was May of 1985. I had just finished my last final exam during my third year of undergrad, and had heard back from my internship coordinator that I was scheduled for my first interview for a professional internship at the Marine Bank Corporation in Milwaukee,...
Sometimes You Just Need to Get Punched

Sometimes You Just Need to Get Punched

I love this excerpt from a recent New York Times interview with Amy Schumer where she was asked: “What’s the best book you’ve ever received as a gift?” Whether you like her comedy or not, her reference to The Professional pulls out an inherent truth in how she...
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